February 9, 2025

Pssst…Top Secret! For Website Visitors Only!

Because you cared enough to look for them: here are the answers to our trivia quiz.

Dec 18, 2013

That's right--unlike those not in the know, YOU don't have to wait for our Spring edition to see how many answers you got right in the Winter 2014 newsletter trivia quiz. And so, without further ado…

LHS Pop Quiz: Nature Gone Wild Edition

1. 1962: Lakewood, along with the entire western halves of Washington and Oregon, is hit by its most expensive natural disaster to date. What is it?

A: The Columbus Day Windstorm. This, the last gasp of a Pacific typhoon named Frieda, is still the strongest non-tropical windstorm ever to hit North America. Billions of board feet of timber are lost, along with hundreds of structures and dozens of lives.

2. Which of our three most recent big earthquakes was the strongest: 1949's, 1965's or 2001's?

A: Richter scale readings for the big three (higher the number, stronger the quake):

  • 1949: 7.1
  • 1965: 6.5
  • 2001: 6.8

3. Which of the three quakes had its epicenter just six miles from Lakewood, on Anderson Island?

A: 2001's

4. True or False: Lakewood received a heavy dusting of ash during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.

A: False. Unlike Yakima, Longview and a number of other cities to the east of the eruption, where the sun was blacked out for hours by falling ash, Lakewood lucked out--the wind wasn't blowing in our direction that day.

5. Glaciers were responsible for all of Lakewood's major lakes--except for one. This man-made lake is:

  • Steilacoom Lake
  • American Lake
  • Sequalitchew Lake

A:  To power a grist mill, Chambers Creek was dammed in the mid-19th century, thereby forming…Steilacoom Lake.



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