March 25, 2025



Lakewood Historical Society

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The Lakewood Historical Society was founded in October 2, 1998 by a small group of local citizens who had a joint interest in saving the history of Lakewood. Officers were elected and committees were formed and by the end of the first year there were over 60 members. Programs were presented by local contacts and fund raising events were planned. Their first major project was to place markers at the historic sites in Lakewood. This was an especially important because many buildings and sites had already been moved or demolished and their significance had been lost. The Society's current membership is over 350.


The mission of the Lakewood Historical Society is to identify, preserve and perpetuate Lakewood's history through educational programs, preservation and exhibits that celebrate the sites and people of Lakewood and its role in the development of the Pacific Northwest.

Legal Status

The Articles of Incorporation were certified by the Washington Secretary of State on October 15, 1998. The Society filed its application for IRS status as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 on October 2, 1998.

Bylaws & Standing Rules

Duties and responsibilities of Board officers and directors are described in the Bylaws revised in November, 2006. Society Standing Rules approved in May, 2007 provide membership information and guidance for committee members.

Board of Directors

The Officers of the Society are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. There are nine directors elected for staggered three-year terms by the membership at the annual meeting in November of each year. Meet the LHS Board below.

Board of Dirctors


  • Sue Scott, President
  • Ed Voie, Vice-President
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Vacant


  • Earl Borgert
  • John Burton
  • Kris Kauffman
  • Suzanne Merriam
  • Phil Raschke
  • Malcolm Russell
  • Glen Spieth

Directors Emeritus

  • LtG Bill Harrison

Museum Consultants

  • Chris Erlich
  • Chuck Mathias

Lakewood History Museum

Located at 6114 Motor Avenue SW in Lakewood's Colonial Plaza, our spacious new Museum brings to life Lakewood area history from prehistoric to present times through attractive, informative and, in some cases, interactive exhibits.

It's an easy visit to fit in with an afternoon of shopping or a lunch hour. Contact the museum for planning assistance with group tours and to learn about special events and programs.


The President appoints at least one Board member to serve on each Standing Committee to provide Society leadership and liaison with the Board. Other committee members may be selected from the general membership. Non-members may be appointed as needed for their expertise. The Committee structure revisions in 2006 included "job descriptions" for the following Standing Committees:

  • Executive Committee (Officers)
  • Finance & Budget
  • Membership
  • Fundraising
  • Museum Collections & Archives
  • Programs, Events and Activities
  • Public Relations, Marketing, Newsletter

Long-Range Plan (2006-2016)

On May 2nd, 2006, the Lakewood Historical Society Board of Directors adopted a ten-year Long-Range Plan to focus and guide its future growth and development. The detailed plan is phased for both short and long term objectives. Learn more about the 10-year Long-Range Plan (PDF).

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Get Involved


Join Us

The Lakewood Historical Society & History Museum would not exist without the generous support of its members and the Lakewood community. The contributions of time, energy and moral support are priceless. Donations of items of historic interest ("artifacts") for the museum help us tell the Lakewood legend. The financial gifts are generously helping to bring the dream of a museum to life.

You can help make history with our museum by becoming a member, sharing your stories and participating in this inspiring Lakewood adventure!

Lakewood Historical Society members are a collegial group. Why don't you join us? You may download the form below or call 253-682-3480 if you have questions.

Learn more about How to Help (PDF)
Download Membership Application (PDF)

Member Benefits

  • Personal satisfaction in knowing you are supporting and preserving local history
  • Recipient of the Historical Society's quarterly newsletter and special mailings
  • Member discounts or free admission to occasional special programs or activities
  • Opportunity to assist with historical research, prepare displays, and promote historic preservation
  • Support and participate in the Society's educational programs and special events
  • Participate in Annual Meeting activities; vote for board members and officers; opportunity to run for a board position; chance to meet new people with mutual interests; help recruit new members
  • Gifts to the Historical Society are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by IRS law. The Society may not assess or assign values for donated goods and services.

Download Membership Application (PDF)


The Lakewood History Museum needs your help. Lend us your skills today!

Activities & Events

Administrative Assistance: Records/Clerical
Collections: Inventory, accession, catalogue artifacts
Docents: Greet/guide museum guests 1-2 times/month
Researchers: Artifacts; exhibit themes; local history
Writers: Write history vignettes, exhibit text, labels, etc.
Oral History: Interview, record and transcribe oral histories
Program: Help organize/produce programs of interest
Technology: Help set up and manage systems
Carpenters: Construct exhibit scenes and display cases
Painters: With rollers, brushes, and tools
Special Interests & Skills: How can you help?

Volunteer Application (PDF)


Collections & Acquisitions: Manage and develop collections
Finance & Budget: Financial management and oversight
Fundraising Development: Annual fund, capital campaign
Membership Development: Recruit new members and support membership
Programs: Organize and present programs of interest
Public Relations & Marketing: Promote the Society, the Museum and it's Mission

Volunteer Application (PDF)

Docents & Tour Guides

Join us as a Volunteer Docent at the Museum and help make history as the latest new museum in Pierce County joins its prestigious partners in this cradle of Northwest history. Docents and tour guides welcome, entertain and educate visitors with the fascinating history of our region, from the era of prehistoric periods to the present.

Open hours are 12 noon to 4 pm, Wednesday through Saturday. Your requested time commitment is 2-4 hours per month. Your orientation and training will help you discuss local history, exhibits, artifacts and museum goals as well as knowing about nearby sites of interest and visitor information on the City. An added benefit will be occasional tours of other museums to learn more about the area. An annual recognition event will honor our volunteers to express our gratitude. We hope you will join us.

Volunteer Application (PDF)

Help Recover & Preserve our History

Did you skate at the Lakewood Ice Arena? Go to movies at the Lakewood Theater or dine at Lakewood Terrace? Do you have your high school yearbooks? What about mementos from local organizations and clubs? Maybe a hat box from The Peoples Store? That 1957 Good Housekeeping or Popular Mechanics magazine in the attic is now 50 years old. Don't discount the small things until you ask. Please contact us to donate photos, memorabilia, artifacts and archives. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.